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Your miracle awaits you

Alvina Amoako

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

2 Kings 4:1-7

The woman comes to the man of God (Elisha) at her desperate need for help. Elisha was the representation of God. There was debt and the creditors were coming for her two sons. In

The second book of Kings, chapter four verses one to seven (2 Kings 1-7), introduced us to a biblical narrative where a widow whose husband was a member of Elisha's school of prophets had to face the brunt of her creditor. When the widow cried out to Elisha, he asked her: "What can I do to help you? Tell me what do you have in your house. Nothing at all except a flask of olive oil, she replied". We can deduce from this verse that the widow belittles what she has, but that little oil was her miracle. Unbeknownst to her, her miracle was in her own house. Many people are searching for miracles and breakthroughs but have failed to see the value of what we have in our houses.

The widow was in dire need, but there was a miracle in her house, yet she failed to recognize it. She called her miracle "except a flask of oil." The oil was her ticket to pay her debt, and she placed no value in it. We are waiting on God for a miracle most of the time, but God has made everything available for that miracle. Just like the widow, her miracle was in her own house. We can derive four principles from 2 Kings 4:1-7, and they are FAITH, PARTICIPATION, SECLUSION, ASSOCIATION, and OBEDIENCE. Let us look at them sequentially:

Faith: It is written in Hebrews 11:1, "now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Even though the widow did not regard her oil, she had faith and hoped it would birth a miracle. Scripture also says that it is impossible to please God without faith. The widow's faith was pleasing to God, which birthed her a miracle. Many of our problems and struggles result from a lack of faith in God. We must have faith in God and be confident in what we have, no matter the size or amount.

Participation: The widow participated in her miracle. She participated by borrowing jars from her friends and neighbors. At times, we are waiting on God for the birth of our miracle while God has made everything available to us. All we must do is participate, and God will do the rest.

Seclusion: "then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you." We can see from this narrative that the widow's miracle was not for public view. It was meant to be secluded from the public eye for the miracle to come forth. Many miracles and breakthroughs have been aborted in the womb because it was too premature for public view. Not every eye has to see the birth of your miracle and breakthrough. In this day age of the social media craze, people advertise anything on social media, which has caused their downfall.

Association: "borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors." We can see from the text that the widow's miracle involves her associations, thus friends and neighbors. The widow could identify the right association, which is why her miracle could materialize. We must be mindful and careful of the people we hang around. Not everyone is part of your journey. Some associations will derail and delay your miracle and destiny. Consistently, we must take inventory of our associations to see who we must cut off, considering where God is taking us.

Obedience: the scripture says that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). Many of us want the miracle, but we do not want to obey the simple instructions. The widow obeyed Elisha's directives to the "T." She did miss nothing, which brought about her miracle and breakthrough. If we are going to experience the miraculous, we must obey God, connect with the right people and ideas and be diligent.

The widow's situation seemed hopeless, but God came through for her and turned her life around. I pray that God will turn any hopeless situation in your life around. May you be inspired and motivated to believe in your little oil like the widow.

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