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How to set goals?

Alvina Amoako

According to Webster's dictionary, a goal is defined as an object of ambition or desire. I want to pose this question to you reading this article "have you thought about what you will be doing in five or ten years? What is your objective or ambition in life? It is said that "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. We must set goals because it allows us to take control of our life direction.

The number one reason for setting goals is what it becomes of you. Some benefits of goal setting are that it provides direction and focus and is inspirational. Setting goals shape our vision for the long term. Setting goals also help us to overcome short-term obstacles.

Set "SMART" goals; we have all heard of "SMART" goals. The question is, do we always apply the rule. Goals are powerful when they are set to be "SMART." "SMART" stands for:






Specific: your goals must be concise. Not too vague but clearly defined goals.

Measurable: your goals must be set with dates so you can celebrate and measure your success.

Attainable: set achievable goals but at the same time don't set too easy to achieve goals.

Relevant: your goals should be set in the direction of your God-given purpose.

Time-sensitive: your goals must be set with deadlines. Setting your goals with deadlines helps you to celebrate success.

If you don't have goals, I will implore you to start now. Also, remember to celebrate the joy and satisfaction of achieving and setting goals.

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