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The New Is Here

Alvina Amoako

Updated: Jan 15, 2022

In Isaiah 43:18-19 God told Isaiah to tell the Israelites "forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I'm doing a new thing. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it. I'm making a way in the desert, streams in the wasteland". When God gave Isaiah this word for the Israelites, they were in captivity and yearning for freedom from God. The Israelites were still living on past mistakes, failures, and victories that it became impossible for them to see the new thing God was doing in their lives. They've enjoyed sweet victory from God delivering them from Egypt, parting the red sea. They made some mistakes of worshiping idols. God has forgiven them, but they have to look past the mistakes and see the new thing God is doing. Many at times the devil will trick us into living and be condemned by what we have done, but he is a defeated foe. The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 8:1 that we are free from condemnation. For God to set them free, they must let go of the old and embrace the new thing God is doing in their lives.

Our lives are so much like the Israelites. Many of us are not where we are supposed to be because we have allowed past mistakes, failures, and victories to block and thwart the new thing God wants to do in our lives. We must not allow our past to shield us from what God wants to do but w should rather let the past be a learning tool to propel us into the new thing God has for us. We must adhere to the following principles if we are going to see the new thing God wants to do in our lives:

1. We must change our thinking: It is said that a new season requires a new way of thinking. If we are going to see the new season God has for us, we must change our thoughts. Our thought pattern has to be aligned with God's word. Our mind is like a garden and their fore we must cultivate it to prevents weeds from growing in it. How do we cultivate the mind? By reading the word of God, listening to inspirational messages and reading inspirational books. We are being reminded by Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

2. We must change our focus: we must allow the past to be a servant to serve us masters in the future. The reason why our eyes are in front of us is for us to focus and look ahead to the future and not behind. We cannot look ahead and the past at the same time because God does not consult our past to do something new in our lives. God is always speaking and doing something new, and as long as we continue to live and focus in the past, it will be very difficult to see the new thing God wants to do in our lives.

3. The opinion of man: it is said that life is 20% of what happens to you and 80% of how you respond. People are going to do whatever they want to us, but it is our response that will make the difference. Many of us have missed the new thing God is doing because of the opinion of the man. It also so unfortunate many dreams have gone unfulfilled because of opinion of the man.

In summary, if we are going to experience the new thing God has in store for us, we must let go of the opinion of the man, change our thinking and focus.

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